entry level field engineer salary

entry level field engineer salary:-

IT Engineer Salaries

Average Base Pay

How much does a Software Engineer make in India?

Average salary
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Software Engineer 5 salaries Software Engineer Job available
25,653 per month
CGI Group Software Engineer 6 salaries Software Engineer Job available
27,873 per month
These Are the 10 Highest Paid Engineering Degrees

·         Civil Engineering. Early career pay: $57,500. ...

·         Biomedical Engineering. Early career pay: $62,900. ...

·         Mechanical Engineering. Early career pay: $64,000. ...

·         Computer Engineering. Early career pay: $70,300. ...

·         Aerospace Engineering. Early career pay: $66,300. ...
Salary offered to a software engineer depends on lot of factors:
·         Work location - Metro locations get higher pay compared to Tier II cities
·         Skill set - niche and cutting edge skills are paid more and relatively common skills are paid less. It is merely a case of supply-demand at play.
·         Type of employer - Product companies and in-house IT staff are paid more compared to people in the IT service industry. TCS, Infosys, L&T are more of a services company and generally pay less than product companies or startups.
·         Size of employer - Reputed service companies can afford to pay less as people seek the brand name for their resume. Not all reputed companies pay less, though. Mid-size companies pay depending on how critical the position is - they might not have access to a large talent pool. Start-ups can sometimes afford to pay through their nose as they have the backing of investors and need to ensure that they get the best talent available to stay ahead of the competition. Barring exceptions, TCS, Infosys and L&T would decide salaries by designation and performance, just like any other company.
·         Relevant experience - although a person has 9 years of experience, some of that experience might not be relevant to the position applied for. So, that factor needs to be considered.
In a broad sense, it is believed that salaries in IT services companies could vary from 1.2 X years of experience to 2 X years of experience. So, that would mean a salarybetween INR 6,00,000/year and INR 10,00,000/year for 5 years of experience. There will always be aberrations.


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